
Shop from USA - Receive in Poland

Shop from USA - Receive in Poland

Shopping from the USA is known to give you the best quality items for the best possible price. The only drawback is the lack of delivery options and/or high delivery charges to Poland…

Not anymore! EshopWedrop is here to give you access to your favourite American online shops!

Shop from Amazon, Ebay, Ralph Lauren, Victoria’s Secret, Superdry, Best Buy and many many more online stores and EshopWedrop will deliver your parcels from America to Poland at very competitive delivery costs!

This is how it works:

  • Shop from your favourite online stores in the USA
  • Use your personal EshopWedrop delivery address at the checkout
  • EshopWedrop does the rest! Have your parcels delivered to an address of your choice or to a collection point in Poland

Shopping from the USA couldn’t be easier!
Your online shopping journey starts today! Enjoy!

To find out more information about how the service works, click HERE

Happy Shopping,
EshopWedrop Team

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